Price: $39.95
Page Count: 279
Publication Date: May 2025
ISBN: 978-1-77258-540-7
Theorizing Motherhood and Emerging Adulthood: Representations, Explorations and Contentions brings together a multiplicity of perspectives and lived experiences to delve into the under-theorized topic of mothering teens and young adults. This thought-provoking and timely collection is a must-read for anyone engaged in practices of mothering and those who are interested in gaining a fuller understanding of the emergent scholarship on motherhood.
- Kathy Mantas, Professor, Schulich School of Education, Nipissing University; co-editor, Middle Grounds: Essays on Midlife Mothering; editor, Grandmothers & Grandmothering: Creative and Critical Contemplations in Honour of our Women Elders
Theorizing Motherhood and Emerging Adulthood: Representations, Explorations and Contentions brings together a diverse collection of works that adeptly and passionately explore mothering emerging adults, a much-neglected topic in motherhood studies. Each contributor offers a unique perspective, creating a volume that honors diversity of experience and a thought-provoking approach to mothering emerging adults. With its depth and breadth, this volume provides works of academic rigor while also being accessible to a wide audience of readers. A compelling and bountiful addition to motherhood studies.
- Dr. Marcella Gemelli,
Sociology Teaching Professor, T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Arizona State University
Chapter 1: Situating Motherhood and Emerging Adulthood……………………....27
Maya E. Bhave, Talia Esnard, and Kae Solomon
Chapter 2: AITA: Navigating Between Chinese and American Dating Belief Systems Across Two Generations and Two Cultures…………………………………….……57
Catherine Ma
Chapter 3:
Enduring Love: Maternal Experiences of Child-to-Mother Abuse……………….….77
Laura Rite
Chapter 4
In Her Reflection: Effect of Daughters’ Educational Pursuits and Career Exploration on Maternal Career Aspirations and Roles……………………………………...…101
Lisa H. Rosen, Linda J. Rubin, Isabella Iven, Maritza Marquez, Savannah Dali, Dante Jackson
Chapter 5
Ellipsis: Making sense of non-proximate mothering…………………….………..123
Maya E. Bhave
Chapter 6
Challenges of being a mother to adolescents in Brazil: review of indexed literature.131
Irene Rocha Kalil and Martha Silvia Martinez Silveira
Chapter 7:
Working through Adolescence and Motherhood: A Socio-Poetic and Evocative Caribbean-Centered Reflection……………………………….………………...157
Talia Esnard and Faith Flavius.
Chapter 8:
Motherhood Transitions: Menopause, Teenagers, Gender Identity and Disability...185
Carmen G. Farrell
Chapter 9: Outsmarting Giants…………………………………… ………….201
Teresa Cavanaugh Donkin
Chapter 10
Victoria Bailey
Chapter 11:
On Tiger Mothering………………………………………………………………222
Wendy Thompson
Chapter 12
Mothering - The Voices in my Head…………………………………….………….240
Kae Solomon
Chapter 13
A Métis Maternal Response to Teenage Nature-Disconnection and Eco-Apathy….257
Josée Bergeron
Maya Bhave’s PhD in Sociology (Loyola University, Chicago) focused on Ethiopian immigrant women. After teaching Sociology at North Park University for ten years, she moved to Vermont where she has explored gender identity amongst female players in soccer, motherhood and child loss, as well as mothers’ struggle for work/life/family balance. Her most recent book is entitled “War and Cleats: Women in Soccer in the United States. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled “Mothering College-Aged Children: Strategies and Patterns of Maternal Influence, Investment and Sustained Social Bonds.” She has taught for many years as an Adjunct professor at Saint Michael’s College, and most recently was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at Middlebury College.
Talia Esnard, (PhD Sociology) is a Senior Lecturer and Sociologist working within the Department of Behavioural Sciences, at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine campus, Trinidad and Tobago. As a researcher, she focuses on issues of women, work, and organizations, particularly within entrepreneurial and educational spheres. She has also published sole, co-authored, multiple authored and edited books in areas of entrepreneurship, motherhood, social justice and higher education, as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion. She is the co-editor for Caribbean Educational Research Journal (CERJ) and associate editor for (i) Journal of Organizational Sociology, (ii) Gender, Work and Organization and (iii) Caribbean Journal of Multicultural Studies. She is a past recipient of the Taiwan Research Fellowship (2012) and Canada-CARICOM Faculty Leadership Program (Brock University-2015 and Ryerson University-2018).
Kae Solomon holds a Masters of Education from the University of British Columbia, and has completed graduate studies in Creative Nonfiction at Simon Fraser University’s The Writer’s Studio program. After graduating, she worked as a teacher’s assistant in this program. She has published with Barren Magazine, Little Fish Magazine, TWS’s emerge 21 and is featured in the anthology Don’t Tell: Family Secrets. She has completed her first memoir, is working on a second as well as a novel. Kae is also a musician and in the process of recording an album of original songs. Kae works as an elementary teacher librarian on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, Tseil-waututh and Squamish. She lives in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, with her family.