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Pagan, Goddess, Mother

Price: $34.95

Page Count: 196

Publication Date: January 2021

ISBN: 978-1-77258-264-2

This anthology calls Pagan and Goddess mothering into focus by highlighting 
philosophies and experiences of mothers in these spiritual movements and traditions. Pagan 
and Goddess spirituality are distinct, yet overlapping and diverse communities, with much to 
say about deity as mother, and about human mothers in relationship to deity. Authors share 
creative voices, stories, and scholarship from the forefront of Pagan- and Goddess- centred 
home, in which divine mothers, Goddesses, diverse female embodiments, and generative life 
cycles are honoured as sacred. Authors inquire into how their spirituality impacts the 
perceived value and experiences of mothers themselves, while generating new ways of 
imagining and enacting motherhood in spiritual and daily life. 
Pagan, Goddess, Mother opens spaces for dialogue in areas such as how Pagan- and 
Goddess- centred mothers engage in, and are impacted by, their spiritual leadership through 
practices of ceremony, ritual, magic, and priestessing. Authors consider mothers’ lived 
connections with their children, family life, and themselves, through nature, the Earth, and 
mothering as a spiritual practice. Chapters reflect upon the ways that Pagan- and Goddess- 
identified mothers creatively navigate daily interactions with dominant religions, the public 
sphere, community leadership and activism—facing the challenges of such while forging 
new pathways for spirited wellbeing in mothering and family life. 

Pagan, Goddess, Mother was a joy to read. It is moving, heartfelt, experiential, and reflective! It beautifully conveys the potential of pagan/goddess mothering, is accessible to a wide audience, and contributes to empowering mothering practices well into the future.

-Mary Condren PhD is director of Woman Spirit Ireland, author of The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion and Power in Celtic Ireland and teaches at the Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies, Trinity College Dublin.

While there are many guidebooks on how to be a mother, and many works on the experience of mothering, no other book specifically addresses the challenges to mothering presented to someone who self identifies as a Pagan and a Goddess devotee. Most Pagans tend to feel somewhat isolated as their path is not a mainstream one. Therefore, most mothers who are also Pagans are considerably isolated. This anthology presents compelling personal accounts of being a Pagan, a Goddess devotee and also a mother, and how those roles both compete with each other, and also blend and support each other. The book speaks to those experiences and provides the connection and knowledge that lets women in this situation know that they are not alone, that the path they are traveling has been traveled before, and that there are others that share their experience.

- Candace C. Kant, Ph.D.
Academic Dean
Cherry Hill Seminary

This anthology brought forth by Jordan and Alexandre emerges during an unprecedented time of timeliness when our world has paused en masse to collectively overcome a global pandemic, searching for new models of living, connecting, thriving, Being. Through the voices of mothers and whispers of mother lineages, this rich polyphony of Pagan and Goddess-centered stories and scholarship is like the deep, primordial sigh of our EarthMother – She bleeds as She births forth a new matristic paradigm. It is in Her image where we must now rethink, renegotiate, re-heal, and ultimately rebirth ourselves, our planet, and our sense of the sacred.

- Wennifer Lin-Haver, PhD


Nané Jordan & Chandra Alexandre


Molly Remer

Finding my Footing as a Witch and Mother
Sarah Rosehill

Remothering and the Goddess
Asia Morgenthaler

Elizabeth Cunningham

‘Call Unto Thy Soul’:
A Reflexive Auto-Ethnography of a Pagan, Priestess, Goddess-Worshipper, and Mother
Alys Einion


Pagan Mothering, Body Sovereignty, and Consent Culture
Christine Hoff Kraemer

I Don’t Want to Be a Goddess
Kusumita Muhkerjee

The Path of the Cold Hearth-Stone:
Reflections on Sex, Saturn, and Solitary Working
Georgia van Raalte


The Spiritual Dimension of Mother-Daughter Groups:
Healing with Artemis, Demeter, and Persephone
Laura Zegel

My Persephone
Jennifer Lawrence

The Thread: From Mother to Daughter to Grandmother,
Mothers talk to their daughters, from mythical times to the birth of History
Arabella von Arx

Goddess is Mother Love
Nané Jordan & Chandra Alexandre

Death and the Mother:
Integrating Death into a Pagan Family Life
Cory Ellen Gatrall

Nané Jordan, PhD, is a birthkeeper, artist-scholar, community worker and mother of two
daughters. Nané has been active in mother-centred birth for over 30 years, and is devoted to
women’s spirituality, the divine feminine/female, Mother Earth, and goddess scholarship.
She completed her MA in Women’s Spirituality (New College of California), a PhD in
Education (UBC), and was a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in Women’s and Gender Studies
at the University of Paris 8, France. Nané currently works in Indigenous family services, and
was a lecturer in art education at UBC. She pursues narrative, arts-based, life writing
research, collaborative artistic practices (see:, and
publishes widely, including the anthology, Placenta Wit: Mother Stories, Rituals, and
Research (Demeter Press, 2017).

Chandra Alexandre, PhD, is a Tantric Bhairavi who has served as a spiritual leader for the
past 20 years in the San Francisco Bay Area through SHARANYA (, a
federally-recognized goddess temple she founded after receiving direction from her teacher
in India to, “Go and spread Mother Worship!” Dedicated to Her mysteries as pathways to
personal transformation and social justice, Chandra works both in community and in the
nonprofit sector for change. She received diksha (initiation) into Tantra in India, her PhD in
Asian & Comparative Studies from CIIS (with an MA in Women’s Spirituality), and her
DMin in Creation Spirituality. She also holds an MBA in sustainable management and is a
certified fundraising professional specializing in internationally-focused causes and
grassroots women-led change.