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Mothering on the Edge: A critical examination of mothering within child protection systems

Price: $39.95

Page Count: 248

Publication Date: September 2022

ISBN: 978-1-77258-406-6

This book brings critical, scholarly attention to the systematic positioning and subjective experiences of mothers involved in child protection processes in “risk”-based child protection systems (Parton, Thorpe and Wattam; Connolley; Swift and Callahan). While mothers are typically the primary focus of child protection prevention and investigations (Azzopardi et al.; Fallon et al.; Swift and Callahan), their gendered experiences, challenges and triumphs are seldom given space in the academic literature, practice and/or public spaces to be seen or heard. Chapters in this volume build on existing literature to illustrate the structural positioning and/or lived experiences of mothers who come into contact with child protection for a variety of reasons: substance (ab)use, positive HIV status, child injury, fetal alcohol syndrome, colonial assessment methodologies, young age, incarceration, childbirth, and intimate partner violence. This book offers three unique contributions to existing literature on mothering in child protection. First, it creates space for mothers involved in child protection to have their voices heard. Second, it acknowledges the centrality of mothers’ subjective experience in keeping children safe. Finally, it challenges dominant, often dehumanizing narratives of mothers in involved in child protection through providing a more nuanced understanding of their lives. Ultimately this anthology calls for a fundamental rethinking of how mothers involved in child protection proceedings are conceptualized in child protection research, policy and practice. It is recommended that mothers voices must be central to humanely reforming child protection systems.

''Mothering is central to the child protection system in Canada and other 'western' countries. Decisions about risk to children are crucially based upon the assessment and management of mothering by child protections workers and the technologies they draw on to operate the system. While central this is often left implicit and 'taken for granted'. Therefore, this stimulating book, edited by Brooke Richardson , is important. It raises and discusses how this can be critically examined and reformed and, thereby, policy and practice'. practice improved so that the needs of mothers (and children) can be more readily addressed.

- Nigel Parton. Emeritus Professor, University of Huddersfield, England, and Editor in Chief of the open access journal Social Sciences''


Brooke Richardson

Chapter 1

At the intersection of care and justice in child protection: A reflective account

Brooke Richardson

Chapter 2

Grounds for protection? Examining the intersection of HIV infection, “risk” and motherhood

Allyson Ion

Chapter 3

Helping or hurting? Exploring the “help/harm paradox” experienced by mothers at the intersection of the child protection and healthcare systems in Ontario

Meredith Berrouard, Brooke Richardson

Chapter 4

Is harm reduction safe? Exploring the tensions between shelter staff, mothers and children working or living in shelters

Angela Hovey, Susan Scott, and Lori Chambers

Chapter 5

When theoretical frameworks aren’t “good enough”: Deconstructing maternal discourses in child protection responses to mothers experiencing intimate partner violence

Angelique Jenney

Chapter 6

Challenging systemic bias towards Indigenous mothers arising from colonial and dominant society assessment methodology through a lens of humility

Peter Choate, Gabrielle Lindstrom

Chapter 7

A window on the system: A feminist analysis of the construction of teenage mothers in Serious Case Reviews in the UK

Sarah Bekaert, Brooke Richardson

Chapter 8

Mothering Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Child protection and contested spaces

Dorothy Badry, Kelly Coons-Harding, Robyn Williams, Bernadette Iahtail, Peter Choate & Erin Leveque

Chapter 9

Systemic un-mothering: Mothers, their children, and families at the intersection of child welfare and the carceral system

Lauren Hawthorne, Brooke Richardson

Brooke Richardson, PhD
Brooke is an Instructor and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Sociology at Brock University in Ontario, Canada and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Early Childhood Studies, Education, Sociology and Child and Youth departments at several universities in southwestern Ontario. Her research and scholarly work focus on the privatization of childcare in Canada, political representations of the childcare policy “problem”, reconceptualizing and reasserting care in early childhood education, and re-imagining child protection systems through an ethics of care perspective.