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Mothering in Hip-Hop Culture: Representation and Experience

Price: $14.95

Page Count: 152

Publication Date: September 2012

ISBN: 978-1-927335-00-0

Motherhood is an experience that is ever-present yet invisible in the global music genre of hip-hop. This aspect of wom- en’s experience has garnered little attention from journal- ists, writers and scholars of hip-hop culture. Nor do we have any understanding of how mothers who remain hip-hop cul- ture enthusiasts negotiate their relationship to the culture of hip-hop and its music with their children. Furthermore, what are the discursive spaces that motherhood occupies in hiphop? Are there ways of understanding mothering in hip-hop along a historical continuum? What are some of the ways that motherhood complicates the hyper-masculinity so dominant in hip-hop? What does empowered and feminist mothering in the context of hip-hop look like, and how might it chal- lenge the status quo? How are mothers engaging with hiphop, both locally and globally? Broad themes covered in this volume include: representations of motherhood in rap, femi- nist analyses of mothering in hip-hop, and experiential re- flections on mothering in the process of artistic production.

“Instead of simply just engaging popular battles of the baby- mama and the wifey tropes within popular rap lyrics, this book digs deeply and sifts through the layers, complexities, and dy- namics of hip-hop womanhood and, more specifically, mother- hood in hip-hop culture. This collection aims to “discursively unsettle” ideologies of compulsory heterosexuality, the tropes of limiting modes of “good” mothering, particularly in the con- text of everyday respectability politics, and successfully throws stereotypes on the table for examination through insightful essays on the experiences of rappin’ mamas. Thoughtfully compiled, beautifully written, and deeply theorized through a lens of feminist praxis, this collection features contributions by some of today’s brightest scholars. It is a must read and must teach for Women’s and Gender Studies, Hip-Hop Stud- ies, and every other study that wants to get at the heart, soul, and materiality of mothering within and beyond hip-hop.”
—Rachel Raimist, pioneer hip-hop feminist filmmaker


Introduction: Motherhood Between Invisibility and Trope
Maki Motapanyane

Chapter 1
“Mama Tried”:
Narratives of Good Mothering in Rap Music
Travis L. Gosa

Chapter 2
Mom Be Pimpin’:
Exploring the Mother-Whore Dichotomy in Hip-Hop
Nicholas Powers

Chapter 3
Making Room for “Dear Mama” in Rap Music
Erik Nielson

Chapter 4
Shine: A Queer Cosmology of Mothering
From Audre Lorde to MeShell Ndegeocello
Alexis Pauline Gumbs

Chapter 5
360 Degrees
Ruth Henry (MC OASIS)

Chapter 6
Seven Generations – Mothering, Indigeneity and Hip-Hop:
A Conversation with Lindsay “Eekwol” Knight
Shana L. Calixte

Chapter 7
“Mommy, I’m in Anomolies too!”: A Conversation
Between Two Members of an All-Female Hip-Hop Collective
Shantelena Mouzon (Helixx C. Armageddon) with Sharon Miller (Pri the Honeydark)

Chapter 8
Mothering the Northside:
Hip-Hop Mothers North of the 49th Parallel
Maki Motapanyane and Mark V. Campbell

Contributor Notes

Maki Motapanyane is Assistant Professor of Women’s Stud- ies at Mount Royal University. She has published in the ar- eas of feminist theory, transnational feminist research, and cultural studies. Her research is focused on femi- nism in Africa, and gender and international develop- ment. She is the busy mother of two school-aged children.