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Mothering Canada: Interdisciplinary Voices

Price: $44.95

Page Count: 318

Publication Date: May 2010

ISBN: ISBN 978-1-55014-504-5

A multidisciplinary, bilingual anthology of mothering research in Canada that illustrates facets of Canadian mothering through different disciplinary lenses including social sciences, literature, and visual arts. The anthology confirms that issues of mothering are prevalent in the Canadian psyche, and in much need of research, communication, and change.

”A wonderfully rich collection of material on what we know and what we still need to know about mothering. Mothering Canada illustrates the power of bringing together multiple visions and multiple knowledges — empirical research, poetry, personal journeys, art, and many more – as different and complementary ways of trying to understand and of searching for meaning.”
— Caroline Andrew, Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa



Mother’s Wish
Rosa Hong Chen

When a Pregnant Body Becomes Visible
Elena Neiterman

One Day at a Time
Shannon Wall Bixby

Joy L. Eidse

Severed (In Northern Alberta)
Susan Picard

A Fragile Moment
Reinie Heydemann

Troni Grande

Où sont les sage-femmes? Le choc culturel d’une femme
immigrée en Ontario face aux pratiques de santé
concernant la maternité
Aurélie Lacassagne

Une nouvelle avenue d’intervention développée au
Québec pour soutenir les mères déprimées dans le
contexte de l’allaitement maternel
Marie Lacombe,
Marie Hatem,
Linda Bell et
Edward Z. Tronick

Visual Art: Judy Anderson, Corrina Beesley-Hammond, Cara Gay Driscoll, Michelle Glennie, Grace Rose Holyer, Marsha Kennedy, Jennifer Linton, Wendy Peart, and Gaetanne Sylvester

A Poem to My Mother on Aboriginal Day, 2007
Donna Lester-Smith

A Question of Authorship
Elizabeth Blanchard

Elizabeth F. Hill

Contextualisation de la relation mère-fille dans
L’Ingratitude de Ying Chen
Nicole Côté

Why Mothers are Still Women
Alison Hayford

Visual Art: Yael Brotman, Sorel Cohen, Seema Goel/Steve Kirkland/RobinPoitras, Jewell Goodwyn, Libby Hague, Belinda Kriek, Pam Patterson, Carol Wylie

Devenir mère de jumelles, toute une aventure
Valérie Vézina

Long Ago People
Paula Stromberg

Mothering under Duress: Tuberculosis and Stigma
in 1950s Rural Saskatchewan
Patricia Miller-Schroeder

Generating Economy
Jody Salerno

Our Son is “Q”
Kathryn Hatashita-Lee

Sick Mother, No Mother
Jane Arsenault

Mothering in the Context of Maternal HIV/AIDS
Pamela J. Downe

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Helen Hoy

Five Daughters and a PhD:
Pinay and Mothering in Canada.
Glenda Tibe Bonifacio

Othermothering: Parenting across International Borders
Nathalie M. Ward

L'adoption d’un enfant en provenance d’un orphelinat
chinois: l’expérience de l'attachement selon la
perspective des mères adoptantes québécoises
Claudine Houle

Visual Art: Slyvat Aziz, Margaret Bessai, Sheree Bradford-Lea, Lois Klassen, Maria Lezon, Lisa Loewen. Elizabeth MacKenzie, Susan Shantz, Leesa Streifler, Lori Wiedenhammer, Sylvia Zeimann

Voices from the Moon Lodge
Elder Betty McKenna,
Mary Hampton,
Carrie Bourassa
Kim McKay-McNabb and
Angelina Baydala

Les services de garde de jeunes enfants au Canada
Anglais et au Québec
Jocelyne Praud et
Isla Dowling
Le soutien aux mères étudiantes universitaires au
Dominique Tanguay

The Division of Childcare Tasks in the First Year:
Pre-natal Intentions and Post-natal Reality
Lynn Loutzenhiser
Phillip R. Sevigny and
Maureen Thompson

Birth, Bureaucracy, and Life Thereafter: Recognizing
Queer Mothers and Families in British Columbia
Michelle Walks

Visual Art: Dianne Anderson, Rochelle Rubinstein, Leesa Streifler


Shawna Geissler holds an MSc in Biology from the University of Regina. After seven years as a full-time mother, she earned her MA in English, and is now working on her doctoral dissertation on representations of women’s breasts in British Renaissance medical anatomies and sonnet sequences. In 2007, she chaired the University of Regina’s Graduate Students’ Research Conference. She has published and presented papers on a variety of topics including children’s fiction, holocaust narratives, and apocalyptic literatures, as well as on the evolutionary relationships among grasshoppers. She teaches critical reading and writing at Campion and Luther Colleges, and, in 2008, won the Inspiring Sessional Award. She mothers three teen-aged sons: Justin, Adam, and Evan.

Lynn Loutzenhiser, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Regina. Before joining the faculty in 2003, she worked as a child clinical psychologist with children experiencing developmental and/or mental health difficulties and their families. Her research has been funded by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, the Saskatchewan Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice, and through the University of Regina’s SSHRC/President’s Fund and Dean’s Research Awards. Her current research interests lie in the areas of mothering and fathering, with a particular focus on the experience of new and first-time parents. She and her partner, Eldon, have two children, Maya and Joshua.

Jocelyne Praud, born and raised in France, holds a doctorate from the University of Toronto. She is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Regina. Her research and writings have primarily dealt with the political representation of women in France, English Canada and Quebec. Ever since she worked in a daycare center in France, she has been keenly interested in comparing different child care systems. Together with Sandrine Dauphin, she is presently revising their book entitled Towards Parity Democracy: Women’s Political Representation in Fifth Republic France to be published by UBC Press. She and her husband have a daughter, Justine and a son, Franz.

Leesa Streifler, is a Professor of Visual Art, at the University of Regina. She holds an MFA from Hunter College, New York. In 2005, she founded ARM-UR (Association for Mothering at the University of Regina). She has exhibited widely and her work is in notable public collections including the National Gallery of Canada and the Canada Council Art Bank. Her work has been funded by granting agencies including the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, and through the University of Regina’s SSHRC/President’s Fund and Dean’s Research Awards. Her multidisciplinary studio practice focuses on the female body through the lens of mothering, aging, and familial relationships. Leesa and her husband, Kenneth Bell, have a son, Daniel, born in 2001.