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Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving

Price: $34.95

Page Count: 284

Publication Date: October 2020

ISBN: 978-1-77258-242-0

This volume investigates the intersections of welfare, gender and mothering work in the current political climate. It explores austerity and the policies of neo-liberal governments that work to deprive some mothers of their welfare. This volume also considers how motherhood is socially constructed in various social locations and places around the world. Last, it examines different ways of thinking about mothering and what changes to laws and policies are required to assist all who are mothering and provide better support to their families.

Mothering and Welfare is a terrific collection of papers that offer
smart critical analyses of the challenges and survival strategies of
mothers who are marginalized by poverty, disability, incarceration and
the pervasive effects of neoliberal capitalism.

-Professor Bonnie J. Fox
Department of Sociology
University of Toronto

This vivid exploration of the complexities of mothering and welfare in times of austerity not only details the deprivation and control involved, but also depicts resistance, agency and seized opportunities. Diversity, in its country studies, voices and methods, offers a fuller, more vibrant, picture of mothering, one that serves to re-cast motherhood, mothering, and the forms and places of motherwork.

-Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Professor, Political Science Saint Mary’s University

Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving is a very timely collection which focusses on the complexities of motherhood and motherwork in a time of precarity, austerity, and Trumpian divisiveness [you could use madness as well]. The strength of this collection is that while it highlights the struggles mothers face, it also highlights the resourcefulness and resilience of social reproductive labourers and points to ways in which all forms of motherwork can be supported and valued. – Jacquetta Newman, Ph.d., Professor of Political Science at King’s University College at Western University.

-Jacquetta Newman, Ph.D.
Dept. of Political Science
King’s University College, Western University

UM Today story on Lorna Turnbull/Karine Levasseur New Book collaboration Oct 2020

Tentative Title: Interdisciplinary collaboration yields results to benefit caregivers, families

University of Manitoba professors Drs. Karine Levasseur (Department of Political Studies) and Lorna Turnbull (Faculty of Law), recently released Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving, co-edited with Concordia University political science professor, Dr. Stephanie Paterson. Published by Demeter Press, the volume investigates the intersections of welfare, gender and mothering work in the current political climate. The chapters explore austerity and government policies that deprive some mothers of assistance. The social construction of motherhood around the world is considered, and different ways of thinking about mothering and needed changes to laws and policies are examined.

The faculties of Arts and Law caught up with Levasseur and Turnbull to learn more about the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in different faculties and how their resulting work can benefit the public.

What was the catalyst behind the creation of the book?
Levasseur: Prior to this collaboration, we individually pursued research that explores the intersection of gender and welfare, especially issues related to income security.  Our publisher, Demeter Press, has long supported research that focuses on mothers. Demeter Press approached us to edit such a collection, blending our research related to welfare, law/public policy and mothers. We immediately accepted this opportunity because it was a natural fit: even though we come from different disciplines, we each had a core understanding of the pressures facing welfare systems and women, so focusing on mothers is a natural progression of our research.

What was it like working on this interdisciplinary project?
Lorna Turnbull: I love interdisciplinary work. I feel that each of us, as scholars, within our discipline has a piece of the puzzle, maybe even quite a few pieces, but we never have all the pieces to the puzzle. Working with co-editors with different disciplinary backgrounds gave us a chance to craft a call for submissions and to review submissions from a very inclusive lens. The fact that the very first work in the collection is a poem, and that poem captures the desperation of a mother living in poverty, her love for her child and her fear of the way the state polices and controls their daily existence, really set the tone for the whole work.  Other chapters are more “scholarly”, they bring different perspectives and tackle topics as diverse as how the media portrays mothers living on welfare, to how school bus rules are stilled rooted in the “leave it to Beaver” era!  

Levasseur: As the Editors, our disciplinary backgrounds are rooted within law and public policy.  When we think about solving public problems such as poverty, environmental degradation, racism and many others, law and public policy are fundamentally intertwined. Sometimes, law shapes what public policy decisions can be made and other times, public policy establishes law itself or may violate law too. 
So although law and public policy are separate disciplines, there is a fundamental connection between them in which they shape and influence each other. As the Editors, we found from working together that although there are differences in how our disciplines approach identifying and solving problems, there is much more that unites our two disciplines. 

Who is the audience of this book?
Levasseur: Students, scholars, community organizations, practitioners (such as lawyers, public policy analysts, government decision-makers).
Who can benefit from the knowledge contained in this book?
Turnbull: Anyone really. My deepest hope is that it helps to raise the visibility of care work. Care work is still hugely gendered and it is a key foundation of inequality between men and women. The least visible are the women who care on the margins of society, be it because they are mothering in poverty, because they are marginalized by their race or disability, or because they live in the global south where aid programs see them merely as a conduit for their children’s health without any recognition of their own value as human beings. I hope readers, and ideally policy makers and legal decision makers see the work of care see the people who are doing it at a cost to themselves, but for the benefit of all, and see their resilience their love, their hope for the future.  In this time of COVID where we are seeing the disproportionate impact of the virus on women, because they are working on the front lines (in care homes, grocery stores, etc.), because they are caring for children at home and trying to support their schooling while holding down full time work, because they are caring for elders and neighbours, the inequalities created by invisible care work are laid bare, to see in ways that many have never noticed before. It is time for a new way forward, for new laws and policies, as COVID has shown us and as this collection illustrates. 

Levasseur: Everyone will likely take something different from this diverse collection. For public policy analysts, they will benefit from learning how existing policies have an impact on mothers that allow some mothers to thrive, but [leave] other mothers struggling to survive. For community organizations, they can benefit from this diverse knowledge to advocate for better public policy. For students, these diverse perspectives illustrate the many dimensions facing mothers and the impact that public policy has, both positive and negative.
What did you learn from this collaboration that you would be inspired to pass on in the classroom to your students?
Turnbull: Oh, boy, that’s a big one. In my classes, I try very hard to teach students about interprofessional collaboration, about the importance of having respect for the expertise of other professions, and learning to work with them for the benefit of our clients and for the administration of justice.  In Income Tax Law and Policy, it is mainly accountants that I talk about, in Children and Youth, it is social workers, and in Legal Methods, it is just a general awareness that law and lawyers do not have all of the answers and working with others allows one to develop more fully as a professional.  Especially in the area of equality and human rights law, context is very important and those other professionals and other scholars are the ones who can help to provide a full contextual picture, exactly as the Supreme Court of Canada articulated most recently in the Fraser case.


1. Mothering in the face of austerity

But I’m Hungry (poem)
Tara Kainer

“We’re a package deal now:” Young mothers from government care in Saskatchewan

Marie Lovrod, Stephanie Bustamante and Darlene Domshy

Mother Child Programs in Prison: Disciplining the Unworthy Mother

Lynsey S. Race and Lorna Stefanick

‘Making America Great Again’? Neoliberal Politics, Poverty, and Women’s Health

Lynda Ross and Shauna Wilton

Stratified Motherhoods: Gaps and Contradictions in Social Protection of Mothers and Their Children in Brazil

Nathalie Reis Itaboraí

2. Images of motherhood

Austerity Culture and the Myth of the Mumpreneur

Roberta Garrett

Support, Subsidies, and Silenced Storylines: The Framing of Mothers on Welfare in Canadian Print News, 1990-2015

Rebecca Wallace

“Because we are mothers”: The invisibility of migrant mother care labour in the Canadian context

Lindsay Larios

Exploring the rhetoric of motherhood as self-sacrifice

Sara Cantillon and Martina Hutton

Neoliberal Governance, Healthism and Maternal Responsibility under Canada’s Muskoka Initiative

Jacqueline Potvin

3. Reimagining the future of motherhood

‘Money isn’t everything, but it’s involved in everything’: Young mothers’ experiences with poverty, their survival strategies and demands for systemic solutions

Heather Bergen

The Old Law and the Missed Bus

Shauna Labman

‘Single and Desperate’? Mothers Seeking Help From Social Services

Rachel Hunter

Mothering, welfare and political economy of basic income in Australia: potentials for women with disabilities

Jennie Mays

Lesbian-Parented Families: Negotiating the Cultural Narrative of Heteronormativity through Leisure and Sport Experiences

Dawn Trusselle

To the Inclusion of All Others: Story-telling “Motherhood” with Katniss, Hermione, Tanya and the Warrior Cats -- or Owls and Ravens Raising Wrens

Gillian Calder

Karine Levasseur is Associate Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba, and a stepmother. Her research interests include state-civil society relations, accountability and governance. She is author of “In the Name of Charity: Institutional support and resistance for redefining the meaning of charity in Canada”, which won the J.E. Hodgetts Award for best article (English) published in Canadian Public Administration in 2012.

Stephanie Paterson is a professor of political science at Concordia University. She specializes in feminist and critical policy studies. Her work centres on the effects produced when states take up and deploy feminist knowledge and expertise, and includes substantive expertise in feminist governance, gender mainstreaming, and the politics of reproduction.

Lorna A. Turnbull is an activist mother of three, and a professor and former Dean in the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba. Her research is focused on the work of care, its importance to carers and those who depend on the care, and how legal frameworks support or fail these important relationships through the lens of Canada’s constitutional guarantees and international obligations. She is the author of Double Jeopardy: Motherwork and the Law (2001).