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Disabled Mothers: Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers With Disabilities

Price: $34.95

Page Count: 368

Publication Date: March 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927335-29-1

This collection of 18 scholarly works and personal accounts from Canada, the U.S., and Australia explores and analyzes issues of parenting by mothers with a variety of physical and mental disabilities. The book delves into pregnancy, birth, adoption, child custody, discrimination, and disability politics. Noticing dominant ideas, meanings, and narratives about mothering and disability, as the contributors of this book do, exposes how the actual lives and experiences of mothers with disabilities are key to challenging cultural norms and therefore discrimination.

“Disabled Mothers brings together disability studies’ perspectives and the lived experiences of mothering and being mothered. It gives life to issues of body, state control, freedom, racism, sexism, and the familial networks of care and belonging in new and radically accessible ways. Disabled Mothers is essential reading for those who want to open their imaginations to the various ways the life of disability and that of mothering engage us, touch us, and make us re-think what we thought we knew about maternal relations and embodiment.”
—TANYA TITCHKOSKY, OISE of the University of Toronto, Author of Disability, Self and Society

“The strength of this collection is the breadth and scope of the coverage on the subject of mothers with disabilities. Alternating between research studies and personal essays, this book provides important information and readability.”
—MARY GRIMLEY MASON, PhD Professor of English emerita Resident Scholar, Brandeis University’s Women’s Studies Research

Gloria Filax and Dena Taylor

Considering Motherhood

“Where Do Babies Come From?”: Meeting Joanne and Kyle: a Reflection on Mothering, Disability and Identity
Samantha Walsh

Scrutinizing and Resisting Oppressive Assumptions about Disabled Parents
Christina Minaki

Mothering with Disabilities

Mothering in Silence: Historical Perspectives on Deafness, Marriage, and Motherhood
R.A.R. Edwards

It’s a Miracle
Katharine Hayward

Use of Aids and Adaptations in Childcare for Mothers with Spinal Cord Injury
Anita Kaiser, Kathryn Boschen and Denise Reid

Embodying my Passions: Becoming a Radical Feminist Mother
Michelle Tichy

Mothers with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Need for Long Term Sustained Services
Karen Nielsen and Ann Marie Dewhurst

Meredith Powell

Disabling Mothers: Constructing a Postpartum Depression
Lynda R. Ross

My Daughter, My Selves? Motherhood, Multiplicity, and the Creation of Meaning
Kristina Passman Nielson

Ideal Motherhood and Surveillance: Young Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities Share Their Stories
Amanda Malone

Mothers with Multiple Social “Stigmas”

Centering the Broken, Brown Body: Reflections on Disability, Race and Motherhoods
Seema Bahl

Motherhood Experiences of Racialized Disabled Women
Bahja Nassir

Non-existent & Struggling for Identity
Vicky D’Aoust

Disabled Mothers and the Judicial System

Disabled Mothers: Misadventures & Motherhood in the American Courts
Ella Callow

Unruly Mothers or Unruly Practices? Disabled Mothers Surviving Oppressive State Practices in Australia
Carolyn Frohmader, Helen Meekosha and Karen Soldatic

The Child’s Perspective

Disabled Mothers: Perspectives of Their Young Adult Children
Paul Preston and Jean Jacob

Learning How to Swim: Finding Meaning in Disability from a Daughter’s Perspective
Gina Blankenship

Author Biographies