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An Artist and A Mother

Price: $69.95

Page Count: 328

Publication Date: April 2023

ISBN: 978-1-77258-428-8

An Artist and a Mother is a book of visual artworks and essays that speak to the diverse ways artists balance creative life with the demands of mothering. It includes thirty seven essays describing the work of thirty-nine international artists and an art collective, as well as a resource guide with books, journals, magazines, organizations, and other resources. This book seeks to highlight the growing body of artist mothers who are making visually and conceptually interesting artwork not just despite their status as mothers, but often because of the inspiration and challenges that come with motherhood.

An Artist and A Mother provides an intersectional feminist look at artist mothers, rooted in academic well-cited writing while honoring personal narrative and poetic writing. It’s refreshing to shift between longer-form essays, personal narratives, and poetry, interspersed with abundant artwork images. Hearing so many perspectives and experiences of mothering while making art was very affirming.

- Rebecca Potts, Teaching Artist Podcast

This illustrated book of short essays reveal a dimension of the feminine, maternal experience that is often invisible. These poignant stories of artists and their experiences as mothers are varied and vivid. A wide variety of artistry represented, from paintings, to textiles, to photography, to sculpture, to performance. This topic is significant within the context of feminist theory, art education, and the support of families and children.

- Dr. Mark Graham, Professor, Art Education, Brigham Young University

1. Curatorial Statement Tara Carpenter Estrada, Heidi Moller Somsen, & Kaylan Buteyn
2. Bear Up, Bring Forth and Deliver Heidi Moller Somsen
3. Channeling Loneliness and Isolation into Community and Connection Kaylan Buteyn
4. An Artist-Mother in Academia Tara Carpenter Estrada
5. Ma—Reframing the Representation of the Maternal Subject in the (Negative) Space of (M)otherhood Sally Butcher
6. Beast of Burden Sandeep Johal
7. Crossing the Bridge Beth Krensky
8. Mother Tongue and Baby Talk Shin Hee Chin
9. Profound Dualism Susanne du Toit
10. Collective Art Production as a Tool for Radical Self-Care Magdalena Kallenberger,
11. Reappearance Katherine Duclos
12. The Photographer as a Mother as an Artist Dawn Yow
13. No Way Out But Through Jessica Kitzman
14. The Miserable Mother: A Silent Earthquake Helen Sargeant
15. Anxiety as a Catalyst Ruchika Wason Singh
16. Jann Haworth and Liberty Blake: A Work in Progress Janalee Emmer
17. Independent Variables Sara Lindsay
18. Portrait of an Artist Mother Lee Nowell-Wilson
19. Pursuing Passion and Profit Lindsay Johnson
20. Time Without End Paola Bidinelli
21. Performing the Mother as an Artist Claudia Pharès
22. M o t h e r l o a d Teresa Dunn
23. Between Dark and Dawn Lianne Milton
24. Making for Fleeting Control Jennifer Combe
25. Paradigm Shifts in Printmaking and Parenting: Laura Crehuet Berman Eleanor
26. This Was Not the Plan Mya Cluff
27. To Have and to Hold Sarah Sudhoff
28. Mother, Mindset, Matrix: Subjectivity and the Value of Artist-Mothers Melanie Allred
29. Pushing Back Amy J. Dyck
30. A Conflict of Interests Lauren McLaughlin
31. Desperate Artwives: The Quest for Representation and Inclusion in Contemporary Art Practice Amy Dignam
32. The Advantages of Being a Mother Artist Laura Godfrey Isaacs
33. Representations of Motherhood in Contemporary Art Celia Rocha
34. 132 Months Kath Lovett
35. In Full Colour: Clare Yow Tenley Norton Brady
36. Things Unsaid Erin McCluskey Wheeler
37. An Encounter with Maternal Materiality: Cathy Wilkes and the Green Dress Paula Chambers
38. Good Enough. Melissa Maddoni Haims
39. Resources
40. About the Contributors

Tara Carpenter Estrada is an associate professor of art education at Brigham Young University. Her ceramic and mixed-media work explores feminism, domesticity, and relationship. Her writings have been featured in journals that include Visual Inquiry and Art Education. She has presented at the National Art Education Association Convention and the International Society for Education through the Arts Conference. Estrada is the director of Jumpst(ART), a series of community art workshops for K-12 students.

Heidi Moller Somsen received an MFA in studio art from the University of Utah (2011). She has been included in: 500 Figures in Clay, Volume 2, Utah Art Utah Artists: 150 Year Survey, and Utah Painting and Sculpture. She teaches at the Waterford School. Although known for her evocative ceramic figures, Somsen experiments with a wide variety of materials and processes. Common themes in her work include anxiety, feminist theology and myth, healing and erosion.

Kaylan Buteyn is an artist, curator, founder of the Artist/Mother Podcast and founder of Stay Home Gallery & Residency. Her practice focuses on female empowerment, the maternal experience, and community engagement. In 2019, as a social extension of her art practice, Buteyn started the Artist/Mother Podcast, sharing interviews of working artists who are mothers. In 2020 she co-founded Stay Home Gallery with Pam Taylor, which is now a brick and mortar gallery and artist residency space.