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Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work

Price: $29.95

Page Count: 294

Publication Date: July 2015

ISBN: 978-1-926452-12-8

Exploring the shared intersections of mothering, motherhood and sex work, Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work weaves together a range of voices from academic and sex-worker communities around the world. It features interdisciplinary contributions, scholarly essays, academic research, artwork, poetry, photography and experiential narratives. Notable among these are two modern masterpieces from literary leg- ends: “Voices,” a short story by Alice Munro and excerpts from Maya Angelou’s autobiography Gather Together in my Name. In the spirit of the adage “nothing about us without us,” Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work brings together unique and controversial viewpoints defying con- ventional wisdom to provide fresh insights into sex workers and their rights. Beginning with the political, legal and social context of sexuality and gender in Canada, the book’s focus widens to explore issues affect- ing sex workers worldwide.

“Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work is a much-needed intervention that
illuminates the intersectional challenges facing mothers involved in sex
work, and their children, extended families and communities. Taking a
transdisciplinary approach, the creative-critical anthology engages with
the resistance, resilience, joy and humour that sex-working mothers
demonstrate in the face of stigma, oppression and sex work-phobic
maternal discourses.”
—Ummni Khan, Associate Professor, Carleton University

“This path-breaking anthology challenges readers and scholars to re- think their notions of mother work and sex work. Sex work is more than
sex, and mothering is much more than an ‘occupational hazard’ of sex
work. Whether they’ve borne children or not, the contributors reveal
the many ways that women on society’s margins are governed through
shame, stigma, economic precarity, welfare discipline, and carceral re- gimes. Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work draws out, in multidisciplinary fashion, the consanguinities of gendered labor under racialized patriarchy
and neoliberal capitalism. This is required reading that demands
—Melinda (Mindy) Chateauvert, Author of Sex Workers Unite! A History of the Movement from Stonewall to Slutwalk

“This book will undoubtedly be a great resource for current and former
sex workers who need to see themselves represented somewhere in
the culture they live in, as well as for sensitive outsiders who would like
to gain more reliable information about sex work than any mainstream
television documentary or magazine article is likely to provide. A short
review can’t do justice to this book. you’ll simply have to read it your- self.”
—Jean Hillabold, Instructor, Department of English, University of Regina

1. Introduction – Rebecca Bromwich and Monique Marie DeJong
2. Cosi Fabian, “The first Companion”
3. Marie Hald, “Bonnie, a life in prostitution”
4. Gordana Eldjupovic, Alison Granger-Brown, Amanda Staller, Steven Moore, “The Spectrum of Motherhood” Cdn. Scholarly.
5. Michael Ochs Archives, Portrait of May Angelou as Dancer (Getty Images)
6. Maya Angelou, excerpts from Gather Together in My Name Literary.
7. Kristine Vandenburg, “Intersections of Violence, Space, Motherhood, and Culture in the Sexual Assault of Sex Workers” Scholarly.
8. Alice Munro, “Voices” Cdn. Literary.
9. Monique Marie DeJong, “Cosmic Creatrix,” Poem and Painting. Literary.
10. Rebecca Bromwich, “Maternal Thinking About Adolescent Mothers Engaged in Sex Work: Towards Alternatives to ‘Secure Care’” Cdn. Scholarly.
11. Elizabeth Cunningham, excerpts from The Maeve Chronicles. Literary.
12. Shiloh Sophia, “Love Called My Name,” painting and poem. Literary.
13. The Red Umbrella Collective, “Red Umbrella Babies: By Sex Worker Parents and Their Children” Cdn. Scholarly.
14. Rebecca Bromwich, “All At Once”
15. Besi Muhonja, “For My Children” Literary.
16. Valandra, “Protective and Proactive Mothering: Prostituted African American Mothers’ use of Intergenerational Family Networks” Scholarly.
17. Jessie Maley, “Chained Heart” Literary.
18. Aphrodite Phoenix, “Breaks”. Literary.
19. Ariana Ochoa Camacho, “The Border Brothels and Sex Trafficking: Untangling Discourses from a Sex Work Frame”.Scholarly.
20. Anonymous, “Mama Tiger Rising”Cdn. Literary.
21. Ogilvy & Mather Beunos Aires, “Street Corner Moms,” Ad Campaign.
22. Elizabeth Trejos, “ Motherhood and Sex Work: A Negotiation of Identities”Scholarly.

Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich is a Ph.D. student (ABD) at Carleton University
in the Faculty of Law and Legal Studies. She has a B.A. (Hon.) in social/
cultural anthropology from the University of Calgary, an LL.B. and an LL.M.
from Queen’s and a Graduate Certificate in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality
Studies from the University of Cincinnati. Her Ph.D. research has theoretical
foundations in feminist discourse analysis. Called to the Bar of Ontario in
2003, Rebecca has previously researched and published in a variety of areas,
including feminist research about motherhood, youth criminal justice law, law
practice management and equality issues relating to women and members of
other historically marginalized groups in the legal profession. She is a PartTime
Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law and a staff lawyer,
legislation and law reform with the Canadian Bar Association and has four
amazing children.

Monique Marie DeJong is a senior author, book editor, creative writer, and
marketing and branding consultant who owns a business collaborating with
seasoned visionary entrepreneurs on books and ethical, authentic marketing.
For over a decade, she has interviewed and captured the voices of thought
leaders, migrant workers and farmers, architects, scientists, artists, filmmakers,
non-profit founders, and more. During her time in Washington, D.C., Monique
was the writer to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and also
reported on children’s rights. She began her career as the associate editor
for NBC’s Today show travel editor in Los Angeles, California. Her work has
appeared in a wide variety of international print, radio, TV, and digital media
as well as New York Times bestselling books. She received a BA in English
at Santa Clara University and attended both Stanford University’s
Creative Writing Institute and UC Berkeley Extension’s Professional Sequence
in Editing program.