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Mothering and Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives

Price: $44.95

Page Count: 504

Publication Date: July 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927335-26-0


“The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and its importance both to motherhood studies and broader feminist thinking. This book is a triumph!”
—Assistant Professor Julie Kelso, Department of Philosophy and Literature, Bond University

“Mothering and Psychoanalysis brings together a vibrant collection of critical, interdisciplinary perspectives on psychoanalysis, feminism, motherhood and sociology. In her engaging introduction, Petra Bueskens provides a comprehensive overview of the key debates in the field and their contemporary implications. The collection includes reprinted essays from important thinkers and international contributions from a diverse range of writers who offer fresh and original insights into psychoanalysis and mothering. The book represents some of the best of the new scholarship in maternal studies.”
—Associate Professor Julie Stephens, College of Arts, Victoria University, Australia

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Kate Briggs Petra Bueskens (Ed.) Mothering and Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives

Book Review for Petra Bueskens (ed.) Mothering & Psychoanalysis. Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives

ntroduction: Mothering, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Sociology: Intersections and Antinomies
Petra Bueskens

Section 1: The Therapist as Mother
Chapter 1: Interview with llene Philipson author of On the Shoulders of Women: The Feminization of Psychotherapy
Ilene Philipson interviewed by Petra Bueskens
Chapter 2: Is Therapy as a Form of Paid Mothering?
Petra Bueskens
Chapter 3: The “Mother” in Attachment Theory and Attachment Informed Psychotherapy
Dianna Kenny
Chapter 4: “There is No Longer Room for Me on your Lap”: How Being Pregnant and Becoming a Mother Impacts the Therapy Relationship
Elisabeth Shaw and Jan Breckenridge

Section 2: The Mother in Therapy
Chapter 5: Maternally Speaking: Mothers, Daughters, and the Talking Cure
Lynne Layton
Chapter 6: Dark Animus: A Psychodynamic Interpretation of the Consequences of Diverted Mothering among African-American Daughters
S. Alease Ferguson and Toni C. King
Chapter 7: Mothers at the Margins: Psychodynamic Therapy with Mothers in the Welfare System
Tony Talevski
Chapter 8: Too late: The Reproduction and Non-Reproduction of Mothering
Nancy Chodorow

Section 3: Mothers in Art and Culture
Chapter 9: ‘They’ve taken her!’ Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Mediating Maternity, Feeling and Loss
Caroline Bainbridge
Chapter 10: Framing the Mother in Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Babel
Penelope Ingram
Chapter 11: Fetish Operations in the Photographs of Sally Mann
Berkeley Kaite
Chapter 12: Artistic Expressions of Maternal Jouissance – Beyond the Phallus
Hadara Scheflan Katzav

Section 4: Mothers in Theory and Practice
Chapter 13: Psychoanalysis and Maternal Subjectivity
Alison Stone
Chapter 14: Mothering the Other: Psychoanalytic Understandings of Becoming a Mother to a Second Child
Nollaig Frost
Chapter 15: Maternal Ambivalence and “Ideal Mothering”: Can the Two Go Together?
Rivka Tuval-Mashiach & Shirit Shaiovitz-Gourman
Chapter 16: Exploring the Possibility of a Positive Maternal Subjectivity: An Introduction to Lisa Baraitser’s Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption
Julie Rodgers
Chapter 17: Mapping the Mother in France and India: Cross-Cultural Applications of Psychoanalytic Theory
Anu Aneja

Section 5: Sociological Interventions in Therapy Culture
Chapter 18: The Tyranny of Intimacy: The Intersection of Feminism and Therapy Culture - Excerpt from Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions and the Culture of Self-Help
Eva Illouz
Chapter 19: Beyond the Paradigm War: Good Psychotherapy is Sociological
Petra Bueskens
Chapter 20: Globalization, Psychoanalysis, and the Provision of Care: Commentary on Arlie Hochschild’s Global Woman
Steven Botticelli
Chapter 21: Mum’s the Word: Therapy Culture and Maternal Ambivalence
Katie Wright

Petra Bueskens is a Lecturer in Social Sciences within the School of Counselling at the Australian College of
Applied Psychology. Since 2009 she has been working as a psychotherapist in private practice. She is the
editor of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia and the founder of PPMD Therapy.