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Intensive Mothering The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood

Price: $34.95

Page Count: 344

Publication Date: December 2014

ISBN: 978-1-927335-90-1

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Sharon Hays’ landmark book, The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood, this collection will revisit Hays’ concept of “intensive mothering” as a continuing, yet controversial representation of modern motherhood. In Hays’ original work, she spoke of “intensive mothering” as primarily being conducted by mothers, centered on children’s needs with methods informed by experts, which are labourintensive and costly simply because children are entitled to this maternal investment. While respecting the important need for connection between mother and baby that is prevalent in the teachings of Attachment Theory, this collection raises into question whether an over-investment of mothers in their children’s lives is as effective a mode of parenting, as being conveyed by representations of modern motherhood. In a world where independence is encouraged, why are we still engaging in “intensive motherhood?”

“This volume revisits Sharon Hay’s groundbreaking work to productively re-examine her contributions in light of changing cultural discourse about motherhood in 21st century Western cultures. Focusing on a breadth of topics by examining the complexities of motherhood from various perspectives, Intensive Mothering demonstrates with keen insight how this ideology has been reinforced, revised, and challenged in relation to women’s evolving relationships to work and family. The volume also adds nuance to the field of motherhood studies by accounting for how consumerism and capitalism have complicated expectations and identities of motherhood and mothering in the last two decades.”
—Jennifer L. Borda, Associate Professor of Communication, The University of New Hampshire

“Without question this topic is highly significant and important. Given the predominance of intensive mothering ideology defining ‘good motherhood’ in North America, it is absolutely crucial to critique and assess what this means for mothers, children, families and North American society.”
—Melinda Vandenbeld Giles, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Editor, Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism

“In this text, Dr. Linda Ennis has compiled a thorough and thought-provoking array of articles examining how the dictates of intensive mothering have become the predominant ideology disciplining contemporary mothers. This text is a must read for anyone wishing to gain a more in-depth understanding of the emotional, physical, financial, and psychological con- sequences of mothering intensively by both the individual and Western society at large.”
—Tanja Tudhope, Producer and Maternal Scholar

Catherine Bodendorfer Garner Linda Rose Ennis (Ed.) Intensive Mothering: The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood